Cookies policy

Syno’s online activities comply with the relevant international regulations, European Union regulations, and the regulations of the Republic of Lithuania. We appreciate your confidence in us and are committed to protecting and managing your personal data, sensitive personal data, and non-personal data responsibly.

Below is information about how Syno processes your data and information using cookies on this and other Syno websites.

Cookies policy

Syno’s online activities comply with the relevant international regulations, European Union regulations, and the regulations of the Republic of Lithuania. We appreciate your confidence in us and are committed to protecting and managing your personal data, sensitive personal data, and non-personal data responsibly.

Below is information about how Syno processes your data and information using cookies on this and other Syno websites.

Information about cookies

A cookie is a text-only string of information saved to your computer’s hard disk through your web browser, allowing the website to remember who you are. Cookies cannot be used by themselves to identify you. A cookie typically contains the name of the domain from which the cookie has come, the ‘lifetime’ of the cookie, and a value, usually a randomly generated unique number.

The data collected will not be used to determine your personal identity or to create a link to the pseudonym under which your profile is generated without your explicit permission.

Like many websites, our websites use cookies to provide you with more personalized and organized web services. If you do not wish to receive cookies from Syno websites, you can easily modify your web browser to refuse cookies or notify you when you receive a new cookie.

Additional Information about How Our Websites Work

Every time you access Syno websites and their contents, protocol files are created by Syno or third parties containing access data. Each protocol file contains the following:

  • The website from which you access our website
  • Your IP address
  • Date and time of access
  • The request from the customer/user
  • The http answer code
  • The amount of transmitted data
  • The browser and operating system used

Syno does not have the means to use the specified data to identify individuals. We do not consolidate this data with other data sources, meaning Syno processes non-personal data with cookies.

List of cookies

1. Facebook


Syno websites and online features use social media plug-ins for the social network Facebook (Facebook Inc., 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA).

Social Media plug-ins are social network programs that are embedded on other companies’ (in this case on Syno) websites.

For additional information, we would refer you to the social media provider’s privacy policy. View Facebook’s policy here.

We would like to expressly point out that the duration of storage of such cookies is not known to us and we have no influence over it.

Furthermore, Facebook helps us to stay in touch with your network through their website/ mobile application. Facebook makes it easier for us to share with you any content of interest on Facebook and occasionally we may create some targeted adverts on Facebook based on your engagement with our websites.


This is a cookie designed to store cookie consent preferences on the Syno websites.

2. Linkedin

List of cookies:

lidc - To facilitate data center selection

lms_analytics - Used to identify LinkedIn Members off LinkedIn for analytics

lms_ads - Used to identify LinkedIn Members off LinkedIn for advertising

UserMatchHistory - LinkedIn Ads ID syncing

s_sq - Used to store information about the previous link that was clicked on by the user by Adobe Analytics

s_ppv - Used by Adobe Analytics to retain and fetch what percentage of a page was viewed

gpv_pn - Used to retain and fetch previous page visited in Adobe Analytics

li_sugr - Used to make a probabilistic match of a user's identity outside the Designated Countries

_uetsid - It allows to engage with a user that has previously visited our website.

_guid - Used to identify a LinkedIn Member for advertising through Google Ads

s_tp - Tracks percent of page viewed

lang - Used to remember a user's language setting to ensure displays in the language selected by the user in their settings.

liap - Used by to denote the logged in status of a member

s_ips - Tracks percent of page viewed

s_tslv - Used to retain and fetch time since last visit in Adobe Analytics

s_pltp - Provides page name value (URL) for use by Adobe Analytics

aam_uuid - Set for ID sync for Adobe Audience Manager

bcookie - Browser Identifier cookie used for diagnostic purposes.

_uetvid - Store and track visits across websites.

AMCVS_14215E3D5995C57C0A495C55%40AdobeOrg - Indicates the start of a session for Adobe Experience Cloud

AMCV_14215E3D5995C57C0A495C55%40AdobeOrg - Unique Identifier for Adobe Experience Cloud

_gcl_au - Used to measure ad and campaign performance and conversion rates for Google ads on a site visited

li_mc - Used as a temporary cache to avoid database lookups for a member's consent for use of non-essential cookies and used for having consent information on the client side to enforce consent on the client side

s_cc - Used to determine if cookies are enabled for Adobe Analytics

bcookie - Browser Identifier cookie used for diagnostic purposes.

AnalyticsSyncHistory - Used to store information about the time a sync took place with the lms_analytics cookie

This is a cookie designed to store and identify unique session IDs on the Syno websites. It does not contain any personal information and usually looks something like 1234567890abcdef. PHPSESSID is deleted as soon as you close all browser windows. This cookie is essential to store because it allows users to login, as well as other options.

This cookie in Syno websites stores login information if you choose the option “Remember me” in the login form.

This cookie in Syno websites stores password information if you choose the option “Remember me” in the login form.

1 day - Used for session purposes to identify a respondent coming back from a survey

1 hour - Used for session purposes to identify a panel respondent coming back from a survey

This cookie in Syno surveys stores the flag that a user accepted the announcement regarding respondent’s personal data, including Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, and other agreements regarding personal data.

Syno only uses cookies if we have obtained your prior consent (EU General Data Protection Regulation Art. 6(1)(a)). Upon your first access to our websites, a banner will appear, asking you to give us your consent to the setting of optional cookies. If you continue to use (browse) our websites, close that banner, or click “OK,” we assume that you are happy with it and give consent to use cookies. Then we will place a cookie on your computer, and the banner will not appear again as long as the cookie is active. After the cookie’s lifespan expires or if you actively delete the cookie, the banner will reappear upon your next visit to our websites and again ask for your consent.

  • _pk_id – 13 months (used to store a few details about the user such as the unique visitor ID)
  • _pk_ref – 6 months (used to store the attribution information, the referrer initially used to visit the website)
  • _pk_ses, _pk_cvar, _pk_hsr – 30 minutes (short lived cookies used to temporarily store data for the visit)
  • _pk_testcookie is created and should be then directly deleted (used to check whether the visitor’s browser supports cookies)

Syno only uses cookies if we have obtained your prior consent (EU General Data Protection Regulation Art. 6(1)(a)).

Upon your first access to our websites, a banner will appear, asking you to give us your consent to the setting of optional cookies. If you continue to use (browse) our websites, close that banner, or click “OK”, we assume that you are happy with it and that you give consent to use cookies. Then we will place a cookie on your computer and the banner will not appear again as long as the cookie is active. After the expiration of the cookie’s lifespan, or if you actively delete the cookie, the banner will reappear upon your next visit to our websites and again ask for your consent.

How do I reject and delete cookies?

You can choose to reject or block all or specific types of cookies set by virtue of your visit to Syno websites by clicking on the cookie preferences on our websites. You can change your preferences for Syno websites and/or the websites of any third-party suppliers by changing your browser settings. Please note that most browsers automatically accept cookies. Therefore, if you do not wish cookies to be used, you may need to actively delete or block the cookies. If you reject the use of cookies, you will still be able to visit our websites, but some functions may not work correctly.

You may also visit or for details on how to delete or reject cookies and for further information on cookies generally.

By using our websites without deleting or rejecting some or all cookies, Syno assumes that you agree that we can place those cookies that you have not deleted or rejected on your device.

Your rights

Syno informs you in advance that we do not obtain private and personal information about you using cookies. If you are interested in a deeper discussion about our Cookie Policy or have any queries regarding the above cookies, please contact us by email at

Applicable law and changes

The data controller of information (data) received by cookies is UAB Syno International and its subsidiaries (Syno). This Cookie Policy is governed by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. Any dispute, controversy, disagreement, or claim arising out of or in connection with the Cookie Policy, as well as issues of violation, termination, or validity/invalidity hereof, shall be settled by mutual negotiations.

The main and always updated version of this Cookie Policy is posted in English on

This Cookie Policy applies to the following sites:,,,,,,,,