No Comment - Swedes and Nature | Syno

Sweden is known for its breathtaking landscapes, from vast forests to tranquil lakes and rugged coastlines. For many Swedes, nature is more than just scenery - it’s a part of their lifestyle. Whether it’s for relaxation, exercise, or a moment of peace, spending time outdoors plays a key role in daily routines. But how often do Swedes actually spend time in nature, and what motivates them to do so?

According to our latest survey, 76% of Swedes spend time in nature at least once per week, and 24% do so daily. Only 5% say they never do. Women are more likely to engage with nature than men, with 61% reporting they go outdoors at least twice per week. However, in the youngest age groups, men are more likely to spend time in nature than women, while in older age groups, the trend reverses.

Age also plays a role in nature habits. While 71% of Swedes aged 45-54 report weekly outdoor activity, the number rises to 78% among the oldest group (75-80). The primary reasons for spending time in nature are mental health and well-being (53%) and physical health and fitness (53%). Interestingly, men emphasize physical health more, while women place greater importance on mental well-being. In the 65-80 age group, physical health is the biggest motivator, whereas, for Swedes aged 25-34, mental well-being is the top reason (64% vs. an average of 49% in other age groups).

Walking and hiking are the most popular ways to relax in nature (81%), followed by picnics and outdoor dining (43%). Women find gardening more relaxing than men (37% vs. 30%), and younger Swedes (18-34) associate nature with creative activities like painting, sketching, and photography (41% vs. 15% for those 55-80). Cycling is most favored by middle-aged Swedes (35-54), with 55% finding it the most relaxing compared to 47% of younger Swedes and 24% of the oldest.

A strong connection between nature and mental well-being is evident - 85% of Swedes agree that nature improves their mental health, with 53% strongly agreeing. Notably, the 45-54 age group, despite spending the least time outdoors, agrees the most (89%). In contrast, only 71% of the youngest Swedes (18-24) share this belief. The environment also plays a role - Swedes in predominantly natural areas are most likely to agree (87%), whereas those in entirely urban settings are least likely to do so (74%).

Syno International conducted the survey through its Answers Omnibus from November 14th through November 20th, 2024. The data was collected Syno International conducted the survey through its Answers Omnibus from January 23rd through January 27th, 2025. The data was collected through online panels with a National representative sampling of people aged 18 to 80, gender, and regions of Sweden.

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