Survey – Russian Invasion of Ukraine | Syno
A new survey in Scandinavia, UK and Japan conducted by Syno International shows that there is a very similar view on the Russian invasion of Ukraine across these regions.
Overall respondents in all countries support more sanctions against Russia, restricting travel and are willing to pay extra from their own pocket to sustain these efforts. However, they are not willing to send troops or offensive weapons to support Ukraine directly in the war.
Key findings
- 9 out of 10 respondents disagree with the actions of Russia and support sanctions against Russia.
- Only in Denmark more than 50% of the respondents support sanctions to the Russian people while in the other surveyed countries a majority of respondents want to restrict the sanctions to the Russian elite.
- A majority in all surveyed countries are willing to endure a higher cost of living (on for example energy and food) for sanctions to be efficient against Russia
- In all countries a majority of the respondents believe that a majority of the Russian people don’t support the war.
- A clear majority in each country supports Russia being blocked from SWIFT.
- A majority in all countries except Japan supports sending defensive weapons to support Ukraine.
- No country has a majority for sending offensive weapons. UK and Denmark are closest at 42% support.
- In the UK 20% believe they should send troops to support Ukraine. This is the highest share among all the surveyed countries. Denmark, Norway and Japan have similar numbers while Swedish respondents are most reluctant at 13%.
- In European Union member countries Sweden and Denmark over 50% of the respondents believe that Russians should not be able to travel to the EU as long as the conflict continues and in all countries a clear majority is in favour of some limitation of visits to the EU.
About the survey
Syno International conducted a survey regarding the views of the war in Ukraine with the population of Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Japan and the United Kingdom during the period of February 28, 2022 to March 04, 2022. The survey was conducted with a nationally representative sample of 501 in Norway, 526 in Sweden, 1004 in Denmark, 523 in Japan in 504 and in the United Kingdom.
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