Syno’s Research Automation power Moodscores | Syno

Harnessing the emotional power of advertising is at the heart of what every creative agency aims to deliver for their clients. Moodscore has discovered a way to do this by helping to understand the emotive effects that underlie every execution in a scalable and innovative way. But how do they do it?

Fredrik Wallner, co-founder, says Moodscore needed to offer brands and communication agencies a tool to help them create great ads. With a small team focused on the client’s needs and the methodology, Fredrik looked to Syno for help run the technical sides of the offering.

The technical challenge

A technical infrastructure was required to input ads, automatically deploy predefined surveys and fieldwork across many markets, manage benchmark databases and create visually appealing reports. All of this was needed to execute quickly, cost effectively, at scale and internationally.

Syno's solution

A technical infrastructure was required to input ads, automatically deploy predefined surveys and fieldwork across many markets, manage benchmark databases and create visually appealing reports. All of this was needed to execute quickly, cost effectively, at scale and internationally.

The result

The partnership between Moodscores and Syno has kept pricing attractive and expanded the clients base significantly, with both more agencies and more brands regularly conducing projects. Everyone loves a solution that is comprehensive and scalable, but even more so if it costs way less than you would expect, and does so quickly.

Contact us

Contact Syno if you are interested in learning more about our Research Automation offering!